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Black Lives Matter Protest Brixton - Sat 9th July 2016

In the wake of a week that saw yet more harrowing footage circulated of black civilians being shot dead by police officers. There have again been protests and marches taking place across the UK in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the US. BlackOutLDN joined one such march in the centre of Brixton 09/07/16 organised by London Black Revolutionaries. Following a 4pm gathering at Windrush Square, an empassioned crowd that swelled to over 2000 strong marched toward Brixton Police station. Where organisers took turns to address protesters before the march circled back around to where it started. There were high fisted salutes and tooting horns in support from onlookers as traffic came to a standstill along Brixton Road and Coldharbour Lane. For those who are questioning what the recent deaths and Black Lives Matter movement have to do with us in UK, the message was clear. We will not be silent, we will not be complicit. Protesting is about collectively opposing police brutality and unlawful killing regardless of where it occurs. It's just as much about the cases of Sarah Reed, Mark Duggan, Shekuh Bayoh and countless others that have had their lives snatched in our own backyard, as it is about those who are suffering abroad. After seeing Alton Sterling callously shot multiple times by officers in Baton Rouge. It wasn't even 24 hrs before we were witnessing Philando Castile bleed to death in real time via his partners facebook feed.

When faced with such graphic displays of all too familiar injustices, it's hard to know what you as an individual can actually do in the immediate aftermath. Regularly encountering those who are apathetic or willfully ignorant towards the struggle can also be psychologically draining. As well as making a statement, the togetherness that protesting encourages is vital at a time when our anger is coupled with feelings of helplessness. It's so important that we connect and maintain a network with people that 'get it' without us having to explain and justify our pain. We appreciate all of the allies from various races that have showed compassion and come out to offer their support. Protesters from children as young as five shared placards and microphones, had moments of silence. Music played from loudspeakers, while drummers set the pace for chants that went on long into the night as the protest held firm at the crossroads outside Brixton Town Hall.

Marches across the country and the atlantic will continue.

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