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BlackoutLDN was born in the wake of the death of Sandra Bland in police custody in the USA. We organised a protest outside the American Embassy in August of 2015. BlackoutLDN has since grown into an organisation we are proud of. 

We realise that protesting alone isn't enough, much more needs to be done. The issues here in the UK need to be highlighted with the same efforts as we put into the ones anywhere else. #AllBlackLivesMatterEverywhere

We will be doing a series of documentaries which show our young people in a positive light. The media would have you believe black youth are violent, drug dealing, lazy thugs who are lost causes. These programmes will show how amazing our young people are and showcase their fantastic achievements!  

Please help make this happen as only WE can make these changes. Lets keep control of OUR narrative! 



If you are able to donate, please do so via the following link


This year we have some important upcoming events including

Our 2nd Annual Event - October 2016.

We hope to see you all there..



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